MegaSoft MegaUtils 1.00 Beta ====================================== MegaSoft is a new programmer-group which has been founded in 1993. Our first product is MegaUtils, a utility pack. This version (as the "Beta" shows) is only a beta test version of the product. There are a lot of other utilities in the pack, but they are not ready yet (and these aren't ready, too), but we are going to release the first (1.00) version of MegaUtils soon. Of course, there will be more and more, better and better quality utilities in the pack. Please forgive us the bugs in the programs and in the documentation, because we hadn't got enough time yet to complete them. The description of the components of MegaUtils: FastCD: A very powerful CD player with graphic desktop and many-many capabilities. FileInfo: A utility to get information of files (e.g. it can give the resolution of about 50 picture types and information of about 20 digitized-sound formats). It knows more than 250 file formats! ArcFind: An inside-archive finder: searches for files on a full disk or only in a directory and looks for files inside archives (known formats are currently ZIP, ARJ, RAR, PAK, ARC, ZOO, LZH, HYP - in the future there will be much more!). Crypt 7: A file encryptor/decryptor with two passwords and five coding levels, and the capability of creating self-decrypting archives. Deltemp: Delete temporary files from a disk or a directory (you can define the deletable files). FlushCache: Write the contents of the cache to disk (don't let the cache to write cache contents to disk in the background and slow down computer). LoadFont: Load fonts in textmode. Lost: Calculate that how much free space is lost by the unfilled sectors on a disk. But there are many-many other unready products of MegaSoft, which will be complete soon, for example: TXT2EXE: TXT to EXE converter (self-viewing). RUN: Make extended paths (unlimited size) instead of the max. 128-byte original path. Extended Find: Extended file finder. Searches for special file types: modules, MIDI-s, pictures and others and write the list and information of them into a list file. SetVol: Soundcard volume set (with graphic screen). Phonebook: Electronic phonebook with easy-to-use desktop. FDiags: Computer diagnostics. UUEncode/UUDecode: UUEncoder and UUDecoder. FPlay: S3M player with a lot of special view modes. Visontay Pter Bulla Andrs Torbgy u. 10. III. 10. Ttnyi t 5. Budapest rd H-1118 H-2030 (+36) (+1) 1-736-471 (+36) (+23) 375-284 Important! If you put this pack to a shareware collection CD, please send us one copy of the CD (to Visontay Pter)!